The Data Mine Accessing Brown Video Transcript

Video opens up with a black background and a Purdue University logo
Screen fades to gray and an Asian woman with dark hair and glasses and a black sweater can be seen on screen. 
On screen text reads �Naomi Mersinger; The Data Mine�

Woman begins to sign 
�Hello! Welcome to The Data Mine, we call it TDM.
So, today we're going to focus on web scraping.
So, the first thing that we'll have to do is
you want to go ahead and pull up your browser.
And you're going to be using your username and your password to log into�

On screen text reads
Screen then shows a screen recording of a browser being opened and the website being launched.

Gray screen resumes and woman signs
�Once you open up that website, you're going to
go ahead and put in your username.�
Screen shows a screen recording of the login into the website

Gray screen resumes and woman signs
�And go ahead and put in your boiler key, which is the four numbers you set as a pin, then a comma and the word push� 
Screen shows the ondemand website with several headings such as Brown Datamine, Files, The Data Mine, RCAC Apps, Jobs, Cluster, Documentation

Screen in Screen video of woman pops up on the page and she signs
�And you'll notice at the top of the page, you'll have several different options.
What you'll want do is go ahead and choose The Data Mine.
A drop-down will come down.
And in the drop-down, you have an option to choose Jupyter Lab.
So go ahead and click on Jupyter Lab.�

Screen now navigates to the next webpage that shows Jupyter Lab�s request page
Gray screen resumes with woman signing
�When that page pulls up, you'll notice
that Jupyter Lab is our computing platform.
It is the one that we're going to be using today to write script and code.
So on the page itself, you'll see Jupyter Lab.�

(There are several question boxes on the webpage that you will have to answer before connecting to the platform)

�And then you'll see queue, which gives you the
option to choose.
There's a drop-down there and then you'll see number
of hours where you can insert a number.
Processor cores requested.� (another question that must be answered)

�You can insert a number there 
and then memory requested.� (another question that must be answered)

�So go ahead in queue, click datamine, (max 4.0 hours).
And then for number of hours you want, I'm going to go
ahead and put in 4.
For processor core requested, go ahead and put 1.
For memory requested, go ahead and put 4096.
And then now, once you've answered all
those questions, go ahead and click Launch.
You're ready to begin.
Now sometimes you'll notice that it does take a little
while to load,

Screen shows the page loading

but when it's ready to launch, you will get a pop up, a blue square that says "connect to Jupyter."
Once that pops up, you want to go ahead and click it and get connected.
This is now your homepage on Jupyter Lab.

Screen shows the Jupyter Lab notebook